Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Week 48 - Finding new Phones

Interesting Fact #48 - Well this is more of an observation. I noticed that in the U.S., Nokia phones weren't that big there. At least when I left. But here, they are the bee's knees. I think everyone has some sort of model of a Nokia phone. Good stuff.

We got an interesting assignment this week to find new phones for a group of elders. They are two areas south of the city which do District Meetings once a week over a conference call. The are about 4 hours away from each other, but they are one district. The problem is that their phones are pretty shoddy, and one of which doesn't even do speaker phone. So in solution, President Clark wanted us to go find some phones for them! That explains the fact of the week, which, by the way, are becoming more and more difficult to do every week. I will probably end them soon. But anyway, so we had to go to several phone stores looking for some phones. Found a few people interested in English Conversation Group along the way. 

So this week we only had a few teaching appointments. Still trying out new things in our finding efforts. We have been trying everything; tracting, signboarding, contacting, and even surveying. It unfortunately wasn't as successful as we had liked it to have been. I think partially it was because we started conducting it in front of a mall where there was just a lot of women. We are trying to look for men to teach. We soon replanned to find another place to do it and we then went to our favorite spot off of Nyevski Prospect in front of the Lady Kazan Cathedral. Only in the busy parts of the city (which are MANY) can signboarding and surveying actually  be really effective. Elder Hill and I introduced the idea to the mission as we went and tried it out a few weeks ago with a lot of success. There were a group of Elders who are serving in my old area that tried it out and find a man to teach. The miracle behind it all is that he is getting baptized on Saturday, and he has been taught everything and is ready to go. He saw their signboard asking "Where do we all come from? Why are we here? Where are going after this life?". Viktor was really interested as to why two young men were holding such a board and ended up talking with them. Miracles are found with faith, hope, and effort!

There is another miracle that happened recently within the mission. A few weeks ago, Elder Hill and I had to visit some injured elders in the hospital. They were walking out of their apartment when suddenly a piece of wood landed on their heads, knocking both of them down. There were people repairing the ceiliing of their apartment building and threw some wood off the side and it landed right on them. So they got raced to the hospital where we met them. The doctors said it would be a month to a 2 month recovery for them both. The whole mission prayed for them, and they both got blessings, and in a week and a half they recovered 100 percent and working full days in their area. In fact, they have a baptism as well this Saturday, despite their injury. The really interesting and cool thing about this incident, is that those two elders were in unity. They shared the blow. They were walking together in unity, and if they hadn't one of them would have gotten the full impact of that fall. Blessings and protection in unity!

Well needless to say, I am fine and A-OKAY, as I would say. And most importantly, so are those two elders. The new assignments that we get are always really interesting, whether it be to find phones, are support a few injured Elders. Either way, to lead is to serve, and that's what I have been learning, and it couldn't be any better. I love it here.

Well I love you all! This Church is true! The Holy Ghost is indeed our comforter and protector! Faith can go MILES further than professional care. I have seen that here, and I have seen it before. The Priesthood is real, and it is such a priveledge to have this Priesthood here on the Earth, never to be lost!

Elder Tekulve

P.S.: I just got an email from another Elder Tekulve in Cape Town! Just a little hello to my cousin down south where it's nice and warm! I hope things are awesome down there, Bren!

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