Interesting Fact - There is a popular trend here in Russia. It is the 24 hour flower shop. They have them all over the cities; a flower shop that never closes, in case you need to get that last minute rose at 4 in the morning.
There were many awesome miracles this week. Seeing how I wrote last Wednesday, since Wednesday we have been incredibly busy. We found a family to teach this week! They are actually the neighbors of our investigator Karl, and they are incredibly interested in our Church. It is a family 6, the father Sergay, the wife Yulia, and their 4 young daughters. I have been praying and searching for the past 7 months to find and teach a family here in Pskov. They are incredibly interested in how the Church and the Gospel blessed families. We showed the husband the primary room, which goes unoccupied on Sundays because of the lack of children in the branch, but it made him even more excited to bring his family. We had a great meeting with him and and his family last Thursday, albeit a little loud, with 3 young children running around, a strange uncle, other things, etc. But the Spirit was there and Sergay prayed awesomely in the end.
We also found a few other awesome investigators, namely Volodya and Vladimir out of no where.Vladimir invited us to his work place the next day at the hospital and we met and taught him there. We invited Volodya to the branch to take a look and also sat down and had a great meeting. (Well, at this time, I was on an exchange with another elder teaching that family, but the other elders found Volodya). Volodya then came to church for 2 hours, and Sergay eventually came for the last 20 minutes of the 3rd hour. Our investigator from Moldova came back from Moscow and we had the chance to teach him again. He is about 50 something pages into the Book of Mormon now.
So last night was the Old New Year. Well today is, rather. It is not a terribly big holiday, but it was once celebrated back in the day before they adapted to the modern calender. There was a lot of frost all over the trees yesterday which made Pskov look rather remarkable. The trees were all white and beautiful. Last night, we met with some of our other investigators Sergay and Raya. Sergay has recently fallen back to alcoholism, so we got there, woke him up, and did a power atonement/power plan for him to quit and to realize that he is sick. He has difficulty admitting that he doesn't need alcohol, because he had been an alcoholic for 33 years, but had quit for another 3 years, and recently fell back in old dangerous habits. He was really grateful that we stopped by and are there to help him. We are meeting again soon.
The more and more I have lived here in Russia, the more my testimony about the Word of Wisdom grows. The difference of someone who lives the Word of Wisdom and someone who doesn't is black and white here. I know with all my heart that was indeed revelation given to Joseph Smith almost 200 years ago. Our bodies are indeed temples.
That is about it for this week! I love you all!
Elder Tekulve